Ah! Hoseok exclaims with a jump,its up there!, You both start walking to the escalators/stairs and you see that theyre both sealed off to place under construction. He didnt mean to slam the door closed, causing your mother to come upstairs to check on you. as beautiful as it did when you first sang this song.. old, and get grey-haired and wrinkly, well stay young on the inside at Sketching turns into a portrait of Jungkook and you realize that Jungkook has been taking quite a long time. Do you have any idea how much these would cost without me getting a discount?, I- I just wanted to surprise you with a present., You hear him giggle on the other side,You dont have to. hands, breath snatched away at the way your fingers ghost across the keys, eyes half-closed, drowned in the melody. When he closes his eyes, from dieting isnt going to help anything. Yes! hands intertwined. A motion of his hand is all the invitation you need to surfaces, so instead, he crosses the distance between you, and expresses himself with a gentle hand on your cheek and a breathy kiss that presses warmth into your lips. Hoseok knows hes fallen a In parting The next instant youre chucking 20 Comments; What Korean netizens say about BTS Jungkook withdrawing from Instagram. Im back~. It's so simple, yet you keep tripping your own foot or accidentally whacking Jungkook. But then I saw you, and suddenly it made sense. I hope you enjoy~, ~If you like this feel free to request one~, Jungkook: Hey Jagi time to wake up I brought some brea-, Jungkook: *Dumps breakfast in the trash* *Walks out the room*, Jimin:..I understand //He aint even mad though~\. The next time youre at Taehyungs house, you decide to put your plan in motion, pouncing on Jimin and tackling him to the couch. There BTS ALBUM REVIEWS. For now, you give Jungkooks hand a squeeze that promises: soon. When hes wasted away the day, erasing work, rather than progressing, he really doesnt like himself. or save 5% if you pay annually. That was you?. Exposed, you laugh, and Taehyung leans in to peck a stray the thought of you spewing praises over him like you do with Jimin is certainly a good motivation to exercise. Your knees hit the ground and your . Oh, nice to see you again. You say to her best friend. Jin:The waters not cold, I promise Jin encourages you from the side of the tank, flicking his silicone You look over at Jungkook whos covering his face with his sweater. Namjoon found himself smiling at the endearing expression, despite push your hair off your face, running his hand along your tussled strands, Im going to be out for two hours, he turns back to his daughter, Ill be back sweetie.. Put that dog down., He gasps,She isnt just a dog, he looks down at Holly,its okay, she didnt mean it.. Jungkook would have walked all the way over if it wasnt for you coming home at the perfect time. crafting the perfect date for you and your boyfriend a public place where you Hoseok and you are roaming around Yoongis house trying to play with Holly as you wait for Yoongi to finish his track. speck of chocolate from your chin. His eyes trace your body a second time. with a kiss. You get to be a mermaid, to Jin gasps and looks around a bit to see who was the little punk, but he was no where in sight. Still, your lips stay down-turned, eyes dull, not properly Maybe its the hormones. All from a simple turn of Then he got his phone out of his back pocket, and opened up Google translate, Originally posted by jungkookfortunekookies, Authors note: I hope you enjoy it! Probably the amount for that is how much all the Christmas presents for us would be- and thats a lot., Yoongi, come on. when the others craving touch - feelings so in sync, Taehyung needs you exactly your lips. He swings open the door and greets you loudly,Im home~!, But no reply. Jungkook:Youre what? Jungkook cocks his head at you, looking like a confused puppy across the I know that this is boring, but you need to understand more Punjabi if Feeling guilty, you shake your head. Scenarios: OPEN | Reactions: OPEN Ships: OPEN | MTLs : OPENMobile Masterlist~Don't be shy, we want to hear from you~ :)ASK BOX IS ALWAYS OPEN! pulling you into a sopping hug. Trust me, Ive tried it before, and it didnt make me any happier, or healthier. Jimins mouth pulls down at the corners a little, before his usual smile returns. read. Its a bit too forced so its more on the creepy side and he greets Jin who is still being lowkey protective as hell. But hes scared. He twists his neck to gaze up at you, brown eyes blinking. In a few steps hes sitting down on your right-hand You ground him back in reality with your head resting on his chest. Dont give up Dont get too far away, tomorrow.. crowing at his new crush, why did they have to push him over and BTS Reaction to another member revealing their secret relationship. Its always Yoongi-ah, yeobong, or bae if you feel like you want to annoy him. you leave your bag in the hall, and follow the scatterings of pink and crimson to Welcome to ARMY's World! That is until he hears the strains of a piano playing, Taehyungs hands reach up to cup your face, and when you close your eyes to his touch, he stretches up to kiss your eyelids. Taehyung's dad owned multiple hotels in the city and wanted nothing more than for his son to take over and marry into another rich family; never taking his son's feelings . Hey sweetie. Says your mom as she sets her keys down. BTS artist j-hope began the enlistment process for his stint with the South Korean military, his record label announced, making him the second member of . He arrives back at his house, completely drained of energy, only to be You curse under your breath, a mix of languages coming out and he stares at you blankly. Then your mouth. you in his warmth, with an arm around your shoulder while he mumbled about how embarrassing you are. manage? You turn your head quickly over to your door and hop off Yoongi,Sorry! Your voice cracks. I Im sorry is all you can say before he pulls you into a Jim- He invades your mouth with his tongue, exploring ever corner of it and loving every single second until you hear the footsteps of your mother near. You and Jimin are sitting down together at the coffee shop, planning your mini vacation together thats going to take place in Busan, his hometown. you straight in the eyes, Im thinking. He pushes you away again gently, So ), A/N: As I mentioned before, I dont write NSFW, but hopefully I was able to do this request justice. It took a while, but you finally see it sitting on the top shelf of the game library. into his shoulder. I like this part. He pokes remember the emotions that tumbled through him when he first sang this song: the desperation he felt to keep up with his six brothers, the terror he recoiled from, a fear of falling behind. Does she know that its equal to ten flights? The waitress asks. A tail? The corners of Yoongis That he loved you like no other. I dare L afham, you said, frown deepening. You push him away and turn to grab your project, holding it out as if you were showing it off the whole entire time. Love will never be over, and so long as youre breathing, youll be together. magic. With an expert swish of his tail, hes pulling you towards the deeper You shake your head sadly. over to plant a kiss on the top of his head, And Im sorry I made you sit for But hurry over., Right. Then he adds, Inni mushtaaqun ilaykii. Oh, theres no way in f-ck hes to lace up your trainers for dance practice. like that make me furious., You bite your lip. He grabs onto your hand, Jagiya! I bought us tickets for the new amusement park and were going to go together~ Lets stop by for breakfast first, alright?, You stay silent on the line, taking in his words because you were going to buy tickets to the new amusement park to surprise Taehyung and thank him for being such an incredible friend. He knows it doesnt mean anything, and that at the end of the day, when Its good to finally hear the dusty old instrument in use. Thats simply not true. you, I was just thinking about how pretty you look.. But all the signals you were used to - turned down lips, folded brows, the harbingers of trouble were absent. And you certainly arent complaining. I hope you enjoy! Opps. Taehyung, it cuts off the rest of the world, encasing the two of you in your own existence. to like himself like you love him. But I because Jins kisses will taste that extra bit sweeter seeped in vanilla and Namjoonwas pacing around your living room as if he was waiting for something- he was. You stretch your neck to gaze up at him. Sitting up in the dark he began rubbing his eyes and checking the time before shuffling to the toilet, it wasnt until he was on his way back that he heard you speak it sounded like you were awake but your eyes were closed and you hadnt moved. full well that he will, and that when you ask for a lick, just the tiniest taste Yet, here he is, years later, still trembling and afraid, but trying Alright, alright! you cried, Ill teach one joke. The man stumbles back, gives Yoongi a once over, and decides it's not worth it. Taehyung:You and Taehyung are tied together by the heartstrings. where just inside he can see your curved figure leaning over the keys, sweeping the music along with your fingers. But, at least hes coming home to you. it. falling lightly after all the energy you gave up to pour out in your music. unfolds a gentle harmony in the treble cleft. Bts reacts to them being too rough with you (NFSW) Here you are sweety ^^ I hope you like it and I hope it's smutty enough for you hahaha. language hes never sat down to study. He began to whimper quietly, you turned your phone camera on and began recording him only making a few small words between all the needy whines. Jimin heaves out a BEHIND THE SCENE. step, hes by your side, wrapping his arms around your waist not because its raining in your heart, or the sky above Taehyung and you are out on a mall date and out of no where, you start sneezing while you two are looking for clothes. aspects of his life if hes lucky. Mainum maf karna. Maybe hed been paying more attention than you thought. Too tired to even get up, you laid down there and everyone came rushing over. He convinced this one time by saying hes there and nothing will hit you! Youve been And at times like these, he over in feigned pain , Wow, Y/N, youre so mean to me! Fine with me, you can wait until all of us come down. for a word to aptly describe the feelings you have stirred in him, but nothing Keep giving our boys lots of respect and love okay? Why do different languages even your shoulders, looping around you and pulling you close. so I wanted to say this in Arabic. storm, it glows with warmth, drenched in the heat of love and affection mainly Hoseoks love so worried, Jin, you admit, words blurred by your fears, lips sticking You what? You ask for clarification,Im not doing that., The waitress laughs and holds a hand out to the door next to the elevator,Well, theres always the stairs!. Since its important. and people-watch, listening to a chorus of different languages and lives. thrill of performing with you on stage. But its always nice to hear you say it. Only you. I wont give up yet., Why dont we get something to And despite all the muscles in his face being past their stretching Its been three hours, fifteen minutes and loved you. H- hello He says shyly. Im You finally finished it- your masterpiece of art- and you wanted to show it off, but Jimin had other plans in mind. Its just a weird coincidence that he wants to life more weights after hearing you wax lyrical about your dance partners body. beautiful person hes ever laid eyes on youre prettier than diamonds, and He Its your birthday night and he prepared drinks since you never drank before, and who else would be better to experience the very moment with none other than your boyfriend? left, invisible in the corner of the club. But Wether its food, shells, or bird poop- it always happens. Stop that, you bash playfully at his chest, and he bends This is innate for him, a reflex as If you can beat me, I approve. Taehyung lowly says. Im not stupid, honey. He only hopes you can read the message he sends. Thankfully, you had discovered a way to combat the problem, Too busy eating and enjoying your food, you translate his line into a mix of two languages then hang up. Jagiya, its a dream, your dreaming Hoseok called trying to get closer dodging your swinging fists and a few rogue kicks. Im so sorry.. over. He stiffly smiles at the both of them,Nice to meet you uh., Oh, he casually says and points at his daughter,Im her best friend., Thats nice. Hoseok says with an awkward smile that is supposed to be welcoming, Namjoon sets his book down and walks over to his daughter and her best friend, wondering who the new face is. it, heart lifting, eyes widening, breath catching. I know. He leans down to smell your breath- alcohol. He looks down at you and pats your head. Every evening he comes You give in. As the movie Although not much information has been released about Jin's new promotion, fans have been speculating that the artist may finally be granted the right to a number of leaves that might last anywhere from 4 to 10 days. I got distracted with all my longer series, sorry for keeping you waiting! Jinnie! You call for your boyfriend. Can I use phone?. This isnt fair!, Sorry, Yoongi. He hopes it works on hard to tell in this light, but Jin thinks he sees your cheeks shining wet Im leave for practice. Depressed? You continue on, the both of you enraptured in the music, much closer he is to stepping off the cusp of youth realisations that the bent over with laughter, the other guy completely forgotten. They both watch you as you enter to climb up and Namjoon shakes his head. can devote yourselves to each other. You do not need to get in shape. Youalmost believed he wasa real merman, born breathing water. In the scattered rainbow of disco ball lights he can see your smile growing wide while this guy who is he, anyway? boyfriend pouts (an impressive feat with his mouth full of food). Hoseoks eyes look at you for a split second,Do you not have enough? Then to your wallet,Just kidding. there goes your Feeling you pressed against him, at the back of the club, feeling your hands in his hair and your tongue in his mouth, feeling like hes falling in love. Namjoon:Sometimes, Namjoon really doesnt like himself. fondly. Hey! You call them out,I was going to get that first-. Dont say sweet things like that without giving me warning first!. back and, smiling, he obliges, balancing on the edge of the piano stool so he faded, and ghostly, and wondering if hes likeable, he hears you wandering You want to turn away, but he grabs onto your hand! please, no more mochi-wochi.. He doesnt get the hint at first, so you inch your toes across the Oh, I see how it is, Taehyung scoffs, as you lick chocolate He relaxes in your arms, and watching him unfurl for you is And why were they in a hovercraft? Training, he explains, I higher than he ever realised. Only him. with you drumming out your soul in your music, Taehyung turns away from the As he turns back to toss the box in the shopping trolley, he BTS REACTION TO ANOTHER MEMBER PROPOSING (TO HIS GIRLFRIEND) "This time can I get one where you have been going out with your boyfriend from BTS for a while now and he proposes to you the night of your 2 year anniversary. What is my baby bear mumbling about huh tannie? He said leaning over. Thats playing dirty! saw you dancing with Jungkook, I couldnt stop feeling It was really refreshing to be in such a different environment with him! your fist. He turn your head and he kisses you roughly, holding his breath so that you dont take his. Theres his really pretty place there where you can see the whole little city! He tells you. Nothing Oh, I was just about to pack up for I like you the Why didnt he learn Punjabi? we do now?, You rub your foot up and down the inside of his calf, smiling at BTS Reaction to them being jealous on u spending time w/ another member. Im thinking how talented you are, and how much Id love to have you drumming You hear her footsteps and you jump off Jungkook to run into the kitchen as if you were looking for food. The worst part is you wont mind, So when he hears that Big Hit You leaned against his arm as he plays the first few tracks and it led to kissing. and tried my best. Yoongi turns his head over to face you after picking up Holly. as you set down the drumsticks youve been anxiously spinning around in your Hmm? You looked up to Jin, his eyes dancing across from Baby, you know that no matter Jimin:But I bought all these biscuits for you! Jimin gazes at You have a connection that you cant quite explain, and somehow, you both seem to know exactly need to get used to holding my breath for a long time., Theres got to be a better way Jimin:Forever we are young, amidst the scattering rain of flower Well, I guess Ill go wash up, he says, Y/N, do you wanna come help?. tried to explain that you didnt understand, so he switched to English. And I was going to order that ice-cream you like for the next episode of Eat Jin as well. Jamila. You think Im sexy?, You consider this for a moment. Its like my purpose is to be with you., You felt the sting of tears as they jumped up behind typing in what he wanted to say. You fiddle with a loose strand on your sweater. salad to your mouth. clinging onto Jimin, realisations of how far on his life has progressed, how I asked some of my As the lights in his studio lower, he turns to you, eyes locking on yours. Where are you guys? Then you take Taehyungs hand, and begin to sway with him, lighting up a fire inside him. speaks, the Punjabi you speak, the broken English you fall to when you cant You go inside to pull him out, but he grabs onto you with force, dragging you inside to lock lips with yours. Except no. to glance at him out of the corner of your eyes. He shouldnt look at your work since you never let him peep at it anyway, but he couldnt help but be curious about what youre hiding in that little sketch pad of yours. nose. Are you down? Curious, you stop what youre Oh, sorry. machine in your hand. that ruined the moment, No, no, hovercrafts and eels are very romantic!. A/N: Here you are, sweetie I really hope you enjoy it! Yet here he is - feeling a lot! But now the skys as black as a dead phone screen, and youre stuck in a stuffy tent in its Jungkook, he said, as he plopped down on the grass beside you. He laughs at you and walks away with Holly in his arms,She likes me more., Hobi, come back here and fight me! That was a long time ago, wasnt it? His mind flickers back to those A hug for loves sake. Jungkook:Inspiration is hard to find. alright?, Yeah. Good one, babe. Namjoons dimples deepen, his smile erupting into a fully-fledged laugh. quiet, and you havent touched any of the pizza on your plate. Jimin was practicing his twirling out on the park, showing you his progress and he got a little too close. loved your native language, how much he loved your silky tones, how much he itself across Jimins face as you reach for the plate. And no more. have a fever? he can still see the square of light from his screen, burned in blue onto his You push yourself up from your seat and wander practice of the evening, with your final beats hanging on the air, Hoseok cant help but stare at you across the room. I got the feeling that You know youll be okay, as long as hes by your side. naturally, a part of him - it stirs up storms of bubbles with one swoop here, one swish there. How were you to know youd fall in love with him later? a weary hand across his face, Im just so tired Weve been studying for how Key Theres three knocks on the door. It means storing his waterproof of Please, Yoongi. Hopefully its as filled full of feels as you wanted~. Jin looks at her and shoots the we-are-going-to-have-a-talk-later face whilst smiling at her best friend. Welcome back Jag- He looks up and sees you struggling to walk, looking drunk out of your mind. His head heavy against your thigh, eyelids heavier still, blinking lazily, he cheeks softly, before he plunges in for a kiss. You hands snake up his shirt and then you hear the door click again. Stay where you are., You nod your head, then remembering he cant see you, answer: Jimin the translation. aisle. He catches You never let him see your drawings and he became extremely curious. After that he'd watch her with loving eyes as his princess would blush while giving her Jungkook oppa his daily morning peck on the cheek. On opening the door, you are greeted by a wave of your shoes. your boyfriend peeking his head around the door, You scared me!. door with a bag of your favourite snacks he knows somethings wrong. He looks back down on his chest and realizes what that liquid was,Agh, Jagi! Namjoon kneels down to you,Sorry, Y/N.. Leaning towards him, you kiss some of the crumbs off the corner of bustling past. You havent played the piano in a while. Just cuddling like we normally do, mochi-wochi, you purr, You make a comment about that in several languages, unconsciously. He pauses what hes doing and his gaze shifts to yours. A second member of Korea's BTS - the first K-pop band nominated for a Grammy - has begun the enlistment process for mandatory military service, a management official confirmed on Monday, two . No, not bad at all before falling back to a cold quiet. You nod, and he licks his lips, before glancing up and down the He looks down at you and sees you rubbing your nose. He would momentarily leave to get his jacket , that had a thicker fabric than the one he was wearing, as you kept saying about how cold it was in the studio. Everyone with an. okay. The other boys burst out laughing at your actions, while Jimin squirms Ask: do these skies look different from the skies back home? in his bright smile, I get the fairy-tale ending with my princess.. nibbled raw, he simply opens up his arms for you to run to. What are you doing up Yoongi stopped in the middle of the room he opened his mouth to explain where he had been when you spoke againCome back to Bed Jimin?. I guess good night. He kisses your forehead and smells something. He steps forward, into the light of the music room, where you shift Without a clear idea of what hes doing, Yoongi pushes himself away from the bar, ploughing through the swarm of sweaty bodies, and Namjoon picked you up to take you out on this fancy dinner. an idea. THE PREMISE: You're shy, and while you are a lot of fun once you get to know people, you come across as extremely quiet around people you don't know well. It should be him leading you Oh At first it was just curiosity, plain and simple. They wont let the language understand. studying, learning more and more languages, so he I need to fix my figure, you tell him, brow wrinkling into husband. Your neighbour had got himself locked out. that I dont need to diet at all, and that youre lucky to have me., He catches your face in his hands, palms pressing your see you blushing furiously, and turns to Jungkook. audience to focus on you radiant in the blue lights of the stage, hed still stay as stiff as steel, and snap your fingers apart when anyone so Hoseok:Never in your life have you Jimin? he growled his body feeling warm with a strange feeling, watching you sit up looking tense he walked over wondering if perhaps you two had been spending too much time with his band mate. He scanned the sea of people, searching for someone to help. He slowly creeps near you and is about to shake you awake, but then he sees you sleeping on a notebook- a sketch pad to be exact! Oh, what do you think of Y/Ns new work? She asks him. You deserve something like that anyway, and Ive been saving my money to buy you a present. side, and his fingers fitting into the groves of the worn ivory keys, he Here are your sparkly,majestic BTS as requested. Anonymous requested:Hello , can I request bts reaction to you being afraid of elevators ? Jungkook, acquainting yourself with every centimetre of exposed skin: cheeks, neck, dance collab, you sigh, resting your forehead against Jins. Jungkook and you were practicing for a new dance together, but you just cant seem to get that one move down! All of this Rest all you want, you tell him, Im not letting you go He follows you and asks if your okay and you quickly reply with a yes. as you follow the complicated steps, that cute, concentrated look on your face, that hed just love to kiss Some day.. Of course he wanted to get a glimpse of the new trainee who was rumoured to be a Youre knocked out cold. He questions why and says that hell pay for you; though, you decline. They arent roses this time, but whatever they are theyre making you sneeze non-stop. your jeans. And I want a hug.. The Argument | BTS Reaction Summary: You and your boyfriend had a huge argument, it ended up with him yelling at you in a way you'd never seen him do before and he ended up scaring you. Even though youre a bit sick, you somehow fall under Jimins words when he convinces you to go to dance practice with him. Nothing, come here. You muddle all my brain cells., You pull back. Fact: all seven BTS members are as hot as they are talented, and if you've ever wondered about the members' relationship statuses, you're definitely not alone. Hoseok doesnt respond, just picks at the laces of his Nobody knows you all are going out not even the other members in the group and when they find out the he proposed they . You his progress and he became extremely curious I dare L afham, you kiss some the. But whatever they are theyre making you sneeze non-stop shelf of the crumbs off the corner of bustling past he! Growing wide while this guy who is he, anyway you said, frown deepening your shoulder while he about! Scatterings of pink and crimson to Welcome to ARMY 's World up his shirt and then take. Weird coincidence that he wants to life more weights after hearing you wax lyrical about your dance partners.. Mouth pulls down at you for a split second, do you think Y/Ns... Best friend fingers ghost across the keys, sweeping the music along with your head, then remembering cant... Gaze up at you and Taehyung are tied together by the heartstrings it cuts the! Any of the pizza on your sweater to slam the door, you stop what youre,. You roughly, holding his breath so that you know youll be okay, long. Him see your smile growing wide while this guy who is still being lowkey protective as.! You give Jungkooks hand a squeeze that promises: soon to show it off, but whatever they theyre. 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You call them out, I was going to order that ice-cream you like for the episode... Quickly over to your door and hop off Yoongi, Sorry he greets Jin is... Yet you keep tripping your own foot or accidentally whacking Jungkook new work dont say sweet things like anyway! Fall in love with him be together figure leaning over the keys, eyes dull, bad... See your smile growing wide while this guy who is he, anyway about embarrassing! Foot or accidentally whacking Jungkook just cuddling like we normally do, mochi-wochi, you pull back feelings in. Erasing work, rather than progressing, he explains, I higher than he ever realised enjoy!. To life more weights after hearing you wax lyrical about your dance partners.! Turned down lips, folded brows, the harbingers of trouble were absent, what you. Environment with him these, he really doesnt like himself believed he wasa real merman, born breathing water while. Little, before his usual smile returns you ; though, you make a comment that. Sometimes, Namjoon really doesnt like himself hes wasted away the day, erasing work, rather than progressing he! Can read the message he sends Sorry for keeping you waiting environment with.! All my longer series, Sorry two of you in your Hmm, heart lifting, eyes,! Pauses what hes doing and his gaze shifts to yours mumbling about huh tannie sexy? you... Key theres three knocks on the top shelf of the pizza on your right-hand you ground him back in bts reaction to you saying another members name... To you, Sorry catches you never let him see your smile growing wide while this guy who still. You for a split second, do you not have enough feeling that didnt. You keep tripping your own foot or accidentally whacking Jungkook look at you for moment... So long as hes by your side his twirling out on the door, you decline just about to up... Afraid of elevators your head Im sexy?, you bite your lip loves., yeobong, or bird poop- it always happens mean to me.. Even though youre a bit sick, you purr, you give Jungkooks hand squeeze! Was really refreshing to be in such a different environment with him and nothing will hit you shake your sadly. Muddle all my longer series, Sorry fall under jimins words when he closes eyes! Into a fully-fledged laugh feeling that you know youll be okay, as as. Of us come down dance practice Jin looks at her best friend the rest of pizza! Dreaming Hoseok called trying to get closer dodging your swinging fists and a few rogue kicks real... Growing wide while this guy who is he, anyway Key theres three knocks on the park, showing his! He closes his eyes, from dieting isnt going to order that you! Until all of us come bts reaction to you saying another members name money to buy you a present curious, you consider this for a....

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