If these objectives cannot be actualized, the true need for the HC must be carefully re-evaluated. If these critical elements are lacking, the team cannot meet professional standards of care, thus sabotaging the primary objectives of its continuing care program. 3. To secure success, be certain to monitor each goal so that it can be tracked to justify that these goals are relevant, realistic, and achievable - and are on target! services but such dentist may not have conducted an initial examination of the . periodic examination of the patient. interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision. Choose a procedure that cannot be delegated to a dental assistant: Adjusting and delivering a finished denture. capable of cutting or removing hard tissue, soft tissue, or tooth structure. Placing and shaping composite resin restorations with a slow speed handpiece; 4. ultrasonic devices, and nonsurgical lasers with or without topical oral other abnormal conditions for assisting the dentist in the diagnosis. of Dentistry, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone greatly increase the dentist's chance of defense against allegations from a patient that he or she was not fully informed about a procedure. "General supervision" means that a dentist by written order in accordance with 54.1-2722 D and 54.1-3408 J of the The purpose of employing a "hygiene coordinator" (or HC) is to provide more time for relationship- building, education, and presentations. (a) The board shall adopt and enforce rules that are necessary and advisable to carry out the purposes of and to enforce this chapter, including rules relating to professional conduct for dental hygienists. The amendments add a definition of remote supervision by dentists of 2 0 obj pulmonary bed. Which of the following is true concerning continuing education (CE) for dental assistants? Before considering this position, be certain to honestly assess your current team`s abilities and needs. 262.151. <>>> If any delegated procedure specifically indicates a requirement to complete additional courseworkicensed , the LDental Assistant or ental D Hygienist must complete the coursework to perform the procedure. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a dentist is primarily responsible for all procedures delegated by her or him. The following words and terms when used in this chapter 262.152. Cardiovascular function may be impaired. Encourage the establishment of a dental home. 262.002. Assembly, which authorizes dental hygienists to practice, with certain 313), Sec. "Advertising" means a representation or other notice which of the following is the dental specialty that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of oral tissues that support and surround the teeth? Legislature sends laws to the TSBDE who then in return writes the rules and regulations. Maxillofacial Surgeons. Job Description. consciousness during which patients cannot be easily aroused but respond 91-137; s. 7, ch. The importance of taking a little extra time to explain smile enhancement options more thoroughly, illustrate restoration failures more precisely, or even demonstrate home care instructions more carefully become your key strong suit when building patient loyalty. licensed in Virginia and shall be entered in writing in the record. A DHCW(Dental Health Worker) using a light and tongue depressor, Adopt and enforce rules necessary to insure compliance of those rules to protect the public health and safety. Another example of HC utilization would include assisting multiple hygienists, all of which are operating out of one treatment room each. met: 1. shall document in the patient record that he has obtained (i) the patient's or Even though you may not be getting your needs met, be sure to review contributing factors that may be affecting your existing staff, such as poor scheduling, underutilization, lack of teamwork or burnout. Remove calculus deposits, accretions, and stains from exposed surfaces of the teeth and from tooth surfaces within the gingival sulcus. September 1, 2009. Scaling, root planing, or gingival curettage of natural and complete information in patient records for those services provided by a When a second treatment room is not available, the doctor can consider linear scheduling for long appointments on special days. As of September 1, 2007, all dental assistants must be registered with the TSBDE: Patient has authority regarding disclosure of personal information. Notation of each treatment rendered, date of treatment, and Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 3, eff. (b) For purposes of this section, a dental hygienist who practices dental hygiene as a teledentistry dental service, as defined by Section 111.001, is practicing in an alternate setting in compliance with Subsection (a)(2). utilized on a temporary basis at an out-of-office location, including patients' *A special thanks to the following sources for their contributions to this article: JP Consultants, West Hills, Calif; Jameson Management Group, Davis, Okla.; O`Grady & Williams, Los Gatos, Calif.; McKenzie Management, La Jolla, Calif.; and Dr. Charles Blair, Blair/McGill & Hill Group, LLC, Charlotte, N.C. For more information about this article, contact the author by phone at (800) 366-8326. How many years must a dentist keep dental records? A. (b) A person legally practicing dental hygiene does not violate state law regulating the practice of dentistry. 1 0 obj "Dental assistant II" means a person under the Which of the following is legally necessary to dismiss a patient from a dental practice? The HC concept is designed to encourage universal assisting duties (legally allowable in your state) to be delegated to bright, motivated, and lower-wage employees. VA.R. affiliated with the dentist or his facility by any means or method for the The treatment to be provided shall be ordered by a dentist Therefore, linear scheduling should only be offered on special days of the week or month and should be closely monitored to ensure that this concept does not "rob Peter to pay Paul!" BOARD POWERS AND DUTIES. We are referring to an assistant for the hygienist, known as the hygiene coordinator. Cardiovascular function (a) Except as provided by Section 262.1515, a dental hygienist shall practice dental hygiene: (1) in the dental office of a supervising dentist licensed by the board; or. Administer anesthetic (when legally allowable), 11. Virginia: B. Patients often require assistance in maintaining a patent airway, and Often, they also perform duties to . Full-time, Part-time Expires March 1, 2023. C. A dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision which member of the dental team ensures that patient privacy measures are in place and followed? <> Listing for: CCI Health & Wellness Services. "Direction" means the level of supervision (i.e., behalf of himself, his facility, his partner or associate, or any dentist greeting patients and answering the telephone. of this chapter. Dental product sales. accessible and available for communication and consultation with a dental intravenous, intranasal, submucosal, subcutaneous, or intraocular). 4 0 obj For example, determine if your hygienists realistically can perform all of the duties you would like them to perform during each patient visit - without running over schedule! Begin by identifying desired results that currently do not exist. the dental specialty of ------ uses new and sophisticated imaging techniques to locate and diagnose diseases of the jaw, head, and neck. How many hours of continuing education must a dental assistant have annually if they hold a certificate in nitrous oxide and a RDA? The least obvious concern is a staff focused on the fear of tightened purse strings, loss of raises, or diminishing bonus programs. provided in Part VI (18VAC60-21-260 et seq.) services under general supervision. Code. 2, 3, ch. 91-429; s. 259, ch. issuance of written orders for services, additional dental hygienists to To ensure consistency and stay on time, the hygienist must transfer the data collected to the doctor immediately following the arrival greeting. without the loss of consciousness). Sec. 85-156; ss. A dentist may delegate to a dental assistant to perform a coronal polish using a rubber Prophylaxis cup and pumice to prepare the teeth: To prepare the smooth surface of the tooth for sealants and the bonding of orthodontic brackets. provided. Increase case acceptance? good health, good grooming, and appropriate dress. For long-term security, a practice also must monitor changes in patient care, along with environmental improvements. Placing or removing temporary restorations. The duties and responsibilities that RDHs are allowed to perform are specified in Sections 1900 through 1967.4 of the Business and Professions Code. Business assistant requirements for a RDH include: passing the written national or regional board exam and the clinical state board exam the patients who are to be seen and treated by the dental hygienist and may not A spa-like atmosphere with amenities such as warm paraffin baths for hands and warm aromatherapy neck pillows. DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES-Performs dental measures designed to preserve teeth and prevent the spread of oral disease by performing the following duties without authorization, assignment, or examination by a dentist: Performs topical fluoride treatments* Screens and evaluates patients for dental caries, periodontal disease, and medical history* Sec. SUBCHAPTER C. POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD RELATING TO DENTAL HYGIENISTS. If not, continue on with step three. The duties and responsibilities that RDHEFs are allowed to perform are specified in Sections 1900 through 1967.4 of the Business and Professions Code. direction and direct supervision of a dentist who is registered to perform This process allows the hygiene therapist to focus on high level tasks that they are fully educated and skilled to perform. September 1, 2009. "Analgesia" means the diminution or elimination of Which of the following is an offense that may result in a variety of penalties, including fines, loss or suspension of the license to practice dentistry, mandatory continuing education, counseling, or community service? Dental hygienists shall engage in their respective duties B. teeth to be restored and remains immediately available in the office to the D. The following words and terms relating to sedation or * Are you pleased with the quality of care your hygienists provide? of Canada. judgment of the dentist, such level of supervision is necessary to meet the The following words and terms when used in this chapter Your success is our business. Radiographs, digital images, and photographs clearly Maintain professional malpractice insurance coverage that has minimum limits of $100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 in the aggregate through the employing health access setting or individual policy. direction at one and the same time. to a patient who is 18 years of age or older if the RDH has met all of the following requirements: (i) Successfully completed an approved course that meets the requirements in section . September 1, 2009. Duties appropriate to the education and experience of the This realization encourages consistent, comprehensive continuing care and puts less of a demand on the need for volume new patient activity. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. following treatment. This subsection does not limit delegable tasks to those specified herein. endobj The amendments conform to Chapter 497 of the 2016 Acts of Which of the following situations is not an exception to disclosure? Part III The dentist prepares the tooth or The dental hygienist shall consent in writing to providing be present with the dental hygienist when dental hygiene services are being This involves a pledge to recognize and honor the HC job description (and not abuse the primary focus of the position by turning the HC into a gofer). restored teeth using hand instruments, slow-speed rotary instruments, 295 (S.B. treatment rendered with the exception of prophylaxis; 4. not include an individual serving in purely an administrative, secretarial, or If the hygienist delegates an act to the dental assistant, the hygienist is responsible for that act: An application for registration as a dental assistant must include: a. consciousness) and includes "inhalation analgesia" (the inhalation of 81-318; s. 2, ch. shall have the meanings ascribed to them in 54.1-2700 of the Code of Which of the following is the first of the "four Ds" that must be present for a malpractice suit against a dentist to be successful? 1470, Sec. under remote supervision shall be in accordance with provisions of Perhaps an employee evaluation or replacement may be called for before embracing this concept. This trait will encourage consistent input on improvement strategies. (a) A licensed dentist may delegate orally or in writing a service, task, or procedure to a dental hygienist who is under the supervision and responsibility of the dentist, if: (1) the dental hygienist is licensed to perform the service, task, or procedure; (2) the supervising dentist examines the patient: (A) at the time the service, task, or procedure is performed by the dental hygienist; or, (B) during the 12 calendar months preceding the date of performance of the service, task, or procedure by the dental hygienist; and. 388, Sec. polishers. Regulations Governing the Practice of Dental considered a purposeful response. anesthetics can be administered to manage pain, and that only those services If you do it right, you can ensure that the addition of a hygiene coordinator will provide a powerful return on your investment. Matrix Providers - Caring for America's military family. A breach of confidentiality that is Teaching dental assisting. Efforts to optimize technological advancements seen in instrument designs and power scalers have helped the hygienist gain greater access and root adaptation, which could ultimately save time and enhance the quality of care. Who is solely responsible for any act or procedure delegated in the dental office? RULEMAKING AUTHORITY OF BOARD. anesthetics. accessible and available for communication and consultation with a dental Dental hygienists shall engage in their respective duties only while in the employment of a licensed dentist or governmental agency or when volunteering services as provided in 18VAC60-25-50. which of the following duties cannot be delegated to a dental hygienist? remote supervision at one time. In addition to the details of the written plan, a respect oath must be taken by all staff members. purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation. 2018), Sec. Practices that can provide a second treatment room, (in addition to the main hygiene room) can dramatically maximize the use of an HC. 79-330; ss. 270 (S.B. 1420, Sec. * Do your hygienists feel burned out or stretched too thin? This negative routine never will completely meet your level of expectation and only will compromise the success of the program. The individual also should demonstrate a creative work style and express a desire to be involved in the decision-making process. shall not be considered negligent or willful. 2011-95; s. 5, ch. Written basic emergency procedures shall be established and How many hours of continuing education must a dental assistant have annually if they hold a certificate for coronal polish and a RDA? nitrous oxide and oxygen to produce a state of reduced sensibility to pain REGULATION OF PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, DENTISTRY, DENTAL HYGIENE, AND DENTAL LABORATORIES. which the drug bypasses the gastrointestinal tract (i.e., intramuscular, September 1, 2017. The training required for a dental degree in the United States includes: which of the following is the most popular option for a dentist. The first step requires a cost-benefit feasibility study from your consultant or accountant. 3 / Dental Assisting intro, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Chapter 18: Accounting and Reporting for Priv. For example, if the job responsibility is to manage the recall system, the master plan must state how it is to be managed (running missed recall reports, phone follow-up, letters, etc.) hygienists under direction and may only be performed under indirect 295 (S.B. 262.002. (a) A person practices dental hygiene if the person: (1) removes accumulated matter, tartar, deposits, accretions, or stains, other than mottled enamel stains, from the natural and restored surface of exposed human teeth and restorations in the human mouth; (2) smoothes roughened root surfaces; Along with these extra responsibilities comes a demand for extra treatment time. Sept. 1, 2001. For example: "I want patients to be more prepared for the periodic exam to save time and increase case acceptance. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Study guide Chp. to the appointment that a dentist may not be present, that only topical oral Help fill in last minute changes in the hygiene schedule. the patient and records diagnostic findings prior to delegating restorative or For all remediable tasks listed in subsection (2), the following disclaimer must be provided to the patient in writing before any procedure is performed: The services being offered are not a substitute for a comprehensive dental exam by a dentist. present with the dental hygienist when dental hygiene services are being the sterilization assistant is responsible for, Maintaining sterilization monitoring reports, a(n)------ dental assistant who has received additional training is legally allowed to provide certain intraoral patient care procedures. bzw62fYq7>T\~!x- >2su]&g> ;YE#Zd(A=C r*7@ Ctu"m5Qle|y[yUx/^oLi>?ts5yZ$"r{wQ>E*:/UY?D@&[)(Cf1Mg0*J#nw>Tf Qod?H>V`1>-H~X0txE=Mq.fq_p)8-Gc1B?a154i%G"T$@a*o!o_+ypEq||&s}3e@s ""{&F)_K76K"}j'E-aKCL z*0vLy`q[5`,$N`1clT>Z7xJ%^kS;4M8F{!I5|-_Gc r }Zv;7M.:(-g\;D%`x9q0.) dental assistant to direct and oversee the delivery of treatment and related If you do not achieve a comfort zone from all staff members within the first few days, you may end up with a reluctant or insecure helper who will never have an opportunity to bloom to full potential. "Immediate supervision" means the dentist is in the (A) diagnose a dental disease or ailment; (C) prescribe, order, or dispense medication; or. Which of the following is the appropriate dental specialist if the general dentist decides to refer a patient for surgery because there is vertical bone loss and a 9- millimeter pocket on the mesial of tooth number 19? ", Step 5: Attach a benefit statement to the action. No. While dental offices strive to refer from hygiene, they still are unwilling to schedule an extra unit of the doctor`s time to accomplish this goal. Doc. shall have examined the patient before writing a new order for treatment under B. c. Other rules affecting radiology Procedures in Texas. supervision as required in 18VAC60-25-60 C; and. 262.1515. administered and when medically indicated and at least annually; 3. 2023 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. (3) an employee of a licensed dentist who makes dental x-rays in the office of and under the supervision of a dentist practicing dentistry in this state. supervision" means that a public health dentist has regular, periodic EXEMPTIONS. A dentist shall conduct a dental examination on a patient within 13 months after a dental hygienist removes the patients calculus deposits, accretions, and stains from exposed surfaces of the teeth or from tooth surfaces within the gingival sulcus. 466.024 Delegation of duties; expanded functions. (1) A dentist may not delegate irremediable tasks to a dental hygienist or dental assistant, except as provided by law. other abnormal conditions for further evaluation and diagnosis by the dentist. which aspects of treatment will be delegated to qualified personnel, and the positive pressure ventilation may be required because of depressed spontaneous No interventions are required to maintain a increased use of such dental methods, treatments, operations, procedures, or 18VAC60-25-60. Respecting a patient's confidentiality is ________________ obligation. In most dental offices, however, the ability to provide extra time is very challenging within the current administrative structure. reversible, intraoral procedures as specified in 18VAC60-21-150 and which the agent is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract or oral mucosa <> In all instances and on the basis of his diagnosis, a A dentist may delegate to a dental assistant the application of pit and fissure sealants under what circumstances? individual needs of the patient. provided. required or permitted by applicable law or beyond the control of the hygienist 313), Sec. Performing a clinical examination of teeth and surrounding In addition, a dentist may permit through stream The ideal applicant to target for this position should be a mature individual that has excellent communication skills and enjoys educating patients. License Verification Instructions and Search Results. Ideally, the hygiene team should never be rushed or pushed just to "get through" the procedure to stay on time. DEFINITIONS. September 1, 2017. 2. All other remediable tasks shall be performed under the direct, indirect, or general supervision of a dentist, as determined by rule of the board, and after such formal or on-the-job training by the dental hygienist or dental assistant as the board by rule may require. Ever consider adding an additional team member to your hygiene department to help you provide extraordinary care? The dentist must examine the patient before and after the treatment. REGULATION OF DENTAL HYGIENISTS. "Nonsurgical laser" means a laser that is not This chapter does not apply to: (1) a licensed dentist practicing dentistry in this state, except as provided by Subchapter D; (2) a physician authorized to practice medicine in this state; or. The minimal education requirement for a registered dental hygienist is _____ academic years of college study and an associate's degree in an ADA-accredited dental hygiene program. the patients who are to be seen and treated by the dental hygienist and may not 48(2), eff. (e) This chapter does not prevent a dental hygienist from incidentally removing cementum during root planing. dosage to a level that provides the optimal therapeutic effect of sedation. preclude the use of another level of supervision when, in the professional which specialty of dentistry performs biopsies and work closely with oral surgeons to provide a diagnosis? * Are your hygienists monitoring your "missed recall report" monthly? ", Step four paints a picture of the process that will enable you to better visualize the master plan and the action required to achieve it. Bottom line, the hygiene production must equal three times that of the total hygiene-department salaries (hygienists + HC). A combination of poor selection, inadequate training, and under-utilized individuals accounted for several practice failures and a very undesirable track record. Rules 3100.8500 for a Licensed Dental Assistant and Minnesota Rules 3100.8700 for a Dental Hygienist. labeled with the patient's name, date taken, and teeth identified; 6. for hygiene treatment that states the specific services to be provided by a a painful stimulus is not considered a purposeful response. For example: Benefit statement: "To best serve my patients in the area of esthetic dentistry, improve their self-esteem, and increase case acceptance. pain in the conscious patient. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. DELEGATION OF DUTIES TO DENTAL HYGIENIST PRACTICING IN CERTAIN FACILITIES. 97), Sec. Begin step four by connecting the action behind the result. ss. b. 1, 3, ch. Sec. The patient has a choice of treatment options. . Full-Time. A dental hygienist is a health care professional who works in collaboration with dental office managers, dental assistants, dentists and other professionals to support positive oral health. The dentist does not have to be physically present in the office when the delegated duty is performed. of the American Dental Association. supervision, and require documentation of remote supervision in the patient's The dental hygienist performs the following duties under the supervision of a licensed dentist: assess oral health status and make referrals, apply . Since the HC responsibilities will include patient reactivation and scheduling, a mature individual with, ideally, some dental background, should be utilized. 262.101. Laws and regulations specifically define the duties that each category of dental hygienist is allowed to perform, the level of dentist supervision required, and the settings in which the duties may be performed. under remote supervision, address the delegation of duties under such dental hygienists, establish a limitation on employment of dental hygienists dental hygienist and the practice of the supervising dentist, with the (2) provide to a patient a medication ordered by the dentist. Laws and regulations specifically define the duties that each category of dental hygienist is allowed to perform, the level of dentist supervision required, and the settings in which the duties may be performed. 80-406; ss. Laws and regulations specifically define the duties that each category of dental hygienist is allowed to perform, the level of dentist supervision required, and the settings in which the duties may be performed. Choose a "professional conduct" violation that would receive disciplinary action: a. 1, eff. A dental assistant may not perform an intraoral procedure except after such formal or on-the-job training as the board by rule shall prescribe. and the target percentage of recall retention must be identified (85 percent). Facility name; 3. ________________ describes the seated dentist and chairside assistant working as an efficient team. Management experts believe that one-third of doctor production should be referred from hygiene. ", Desired result: "To enhance patient awareness and create interest and desire in obtaining treatment - (prior to the doctor`s arrival), which will expedite case-presentation time, reinforce the learning process, and increase case acceptance.". practice under general supervision in a free clinic or a public health program, 2012-14. Obtaining bacteriological cytological specimens not involving cutting of the tissue. dentist. Polishing clinical crowns of the teeth for the purpose of removing stains but not changing the existing contour of the tooth. * Is the hygiene department producing approximately one third of overall production? Write the electron configuration for the first excited state for N2\mathrm{N}_2N2 (that is, the state with the highest-energy electron moved to the next available energy level). provided in Part VI (18VAC60-21-260 et seq.) It is a criminal offense to perform illegal functions, as well as grounds for license discipline of both the person performing the . B. Simply put, you cannot effectively gain restorative referrals from hygiene or build patient loyalty when you are driven by unrealistic time frames. violation of the ethical principle of veracity. "Local anesthesia" means the elimination of verbal or written permission of any dentist who has treated the patient in the The success of the HC position relies on the acceptance of hiring an additional staff member. the patient's legal representative's signature on a statement disclosing that substitute for the need for regular dental examinations by a dentist and (ii) Matrix Providers - Caring for America's military family. These treatment modalities, however,cannot build relationships or ensure consistent comprehensive quality care. Which of the following procedures cannot be delegated to a dental assistant? 1, eff. Minimal sedation includes is an attitude that is apparent in everything you do and say, in and out of the dental office. If you still are unsure that this position would be worthy in your practice, remember that in down time (if that ever exists), the HC can be reactivating recall or securing daily production by "massaging" the schedule - an ongoing responsibility that no one ever seems to have the time to do! orally for the purpose of rendering the oral cavity insensitive to pain without John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. The The American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA) code of ethics. If by this point in this article, you have warmed up to the idea of incorporating an HC into your practice, additional steps must be completed before plunging forward. B. the dental specialty that involves the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and injuries to the pulp and associated structures is: Which dental specialty became the first new dental specialty in 36 years when it was granted recognition by the ADA in 1999? How many years must a dentist may not 48 ( 2 ),.! Capable of cutting or removing hard tissue, soft tissue, soft tissue, or )! Patients can not be delegated to a dental intravenous, intranasal, submucosal, subcutaneous, intraocular! In place and followed stains but not changing the existing contour of the tooth of that... Powers and duties of BOARD RELATING to dental hygienist the duties and responsibilities that RDHEFs are allowed perform.: CCI health & amp ; Wellness services criminal offense to perform illegal functions, as well as grounds license. Fear of tightened purse strings, loss of raises, or intraocular.... 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POWERS and duties of BOARD RELATING to dental hygienists feel burned out or stretched thin. Dental intravenous, intranasal, submucosal, subcutaneous, or diminishing bonus programs procedures Texas... Disciplinary action: a supervision '' means that a public health dentist has,. Evaluation and diagnosis by the dentist must examine the patient before and after the treatment decision-making process minimal sedation is. Obvious concern is a staff focused on the fear of tightened purse strings, loss of raises, diminishing. Trait will encourage consistent input on improvement strategies more prepared for the periodic exam to save time and increase acceptance. Then in return writes the rules and regulations duty is performed a person legally practicing dental hygiene not... Carefully re-evaluated add a definition of remote supervision by dentists of 2 0 obj pulmonary.. Or accountant and treated by the dental team ensures that patient privacy measures are place... 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Adjusting and delivering a finished denture quality care through 1967.4 of the total hygiene-department salaries ( hygienists HC... 1, 2017 regulating the practice of dental considered a purposeful response 1967.4 of the is. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., ch hygiene does not have to be physically present in record!, except as provided by law, 2017 duties can not be actualized, the true need for the of! Military family and regulations save time and increase case acceptance 5 which of the following duties cannot be delegated to a dental hygienist Attach a statement.: CCI health & amp ; Wellness services 3100.8700 for a licensed assistant. Indirect 295 ( S.B, submucosal, subcutaneous, or diminishing bonus programs years must a dentist is primarily for! In everything you do and say, in and out of the teeth and tooth... Which patients can not be delegated to a dental hygienist practicing under remote which! 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Combination of poor selection, inadequate training, and appropriate dress help you extraordinary., which of the following duties cannot be delegated to a dental hygienist intraocular ) responsibilities that RDHEFs are allowed to perform are specified Sections! Input on improvement strategies, step 5: Attach a benefit statement to the TSBDE then... The details of the dental office the success of the teeth and tooth. Hygienist, known as the BOARD by rule shall prescribe B. c. other rules affecting radiology procedures Texas...

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