He then killed Sundowner after having a Slider crash into his Hammerhead late into the duel. Several of Raiden's skills in the game have names referencing thunder and lightning. Sam is entirely sure of his cause. In VR training, he is featured as three separate characters: RAIDEN - This is Raiden in his normal attire. What happened to Raiden after Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? Lightning Bolt" when he learnt what Raiden's name translated to. The mission struck a chord with Raiden on a deep psychological level. Sometime after arriving at the Big Shell Raiden unknowningly met up with Solid Snake, although the man was claiming his name was Iriqoius Pliskin in order to stop himself from being detected. Likewise, the "Eye" trailer[19] mentioned that the damage to Raiden's left eye was irreparable due to the optical nerve being completely destroyed, resulting in it having to be removed. But, they were having difficulties with the fox engine to run such a high paced game, and the sword play. Doktor was forced to leave him due to cyborgs shooting anti-air rockets at the chopper, but he honored Raiden's sacrifice. This prompted Raiden to stand back up and call Armstrong insane. A Despite the best of his abilities, he was unable to defeat Armstrong, let alone do sufficient damage. A As a direct result of the disastrous events in Africa, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice. Along with this, his jump has increased distance. He then reminded Raiden that the cyborgs, adults as they may be, had in fact felt forced to participate due to costs to gain cybernetics to even have a livelihood and not beg on the streets, even in America. B [deleted] 5 yr. ago. The story was initially intended to act as an interquel, taking place between Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4 and explaining what happened to Raiden during this time. He shares this codename with the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden, an Imperial Japanese WWII fighter aircraft, which the Allied forces codenamed "Jack." His use of a sword is also referenced by Roy Campbell upon Raiden's recruitment, stating that a new soldier joined who wields a katana. Due to his participation in the Liberian Civil War, Raiden was one of the few Force XXI VR subjects to possess actual combat experience. Raiden then dueled Vamp once more atop the original Metal Gear REX, after Snake had returned the latter to a vulnerable state via nanomachine suppressors. Raiden then met with Snake, who gave him most of his equipment back, along with Olga's high-frequency blade. By the time of his Maverick activities between 2014 and 2018, his original style at Maverick was styled after issatsu tasho, killing one so others may live. He then fought with the leader of the forces stationed at Abkhazia, Mistral. While attempting to locate a Dwarf Gekko, he stumbled upon a room containing cyborg brain casings, and after defeating several enemies, he reported his findings, causing them to deduce that the brain surgeries on the trafficked children related to cyborg development somehow. The negative reception towards Raiden and Rose was also alluded to regarding Raiden and Rose's VR avatars in the same story line, in the scene where Solidus is forced to summon their avatars, where it was stated their misdeeds earned them "the combined hate of the entire universe" as well as the ability to "destroy a world" simply by there mere presence, and thus they were infamous in countless universes.[45]. Due to his harsh childhood, training from Solidus and the Army's virtual training, his mental state and capacity were well suited to combat operations behind enemy lines. Afterwards, when Andrey Dolzaev called Mistral upon her death, Raiden picked up the radio and told him to surrender. During the civil war that began in 1989, an exceptionally young Jack began his military career. Because the portion of Denver that World Marshal was at was evacuated, there were a lot of abandoned cars, so Raiden was going to borrow a vehicle. [28] Raiden, having overheard that comment with a directional microphone, called her via Codec to set her straight that his hair is actually real and not a wig. Upon arrival, Raiden was ambushed by several Desperado soldiers via stealth camouflage, although his upgrades effectively made their efforts to kill him fruitless. Although Raiden's involvement in the Liberian Civil War was stated as early as his first appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2, it wasn't until Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance that it was explicitly stated that Liberia was his birthplace. Much of the negative response was due largely to his apparent naive attitude, androgynous appearance, as well as acting as the protagonist over Snake. Raiden appears in his Metal Gear Rising form for the Jamais Vu mission of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. He was never okay. They then deduced from Courtney that they could stop the situation at Mach 23 speeds, which would take half an hour to get there, with Raiden requesting that they contact Solis Space & Aeronautics. Boris then reminded him that he had less than an hour to get to Solis. He then had George sent to Doktor to watch over him, by saving George's life by using the cryopreserver. Raiden's superhuman speed enabled him to run extremely fast for great distances. He then learned that most of the kids have likely had the brains removed and sent to a facility in America, and also noticed that Sundowner and another VIP, whom Kevin recognized, inspecting the facility in the video files. However, on the downside, he possesses less stamina and health points which makes him vulnerable when he is surrounded by enemies. A Play Arts Kai figurine of Raiden based on his appearance in Metal Gear Rising is in the works. Upon acquiring his new Cyborg Ninja body, Raiden was instructed to undergo a VR training simulation that Doktor created so he could get used to his new body before redeployment. Shortly after the call, he was ambushed by cybernetic Denver cops under World Marshal's payroll, as they effectively had control over the city. A podcast, however, addressed this issue and stated that the game would explain why Raiden is back on the battlefield despite the implications of Metal Gear Solid 4's ending.[47]. However, all of this drama was a ruse by the Patriots to gain more control over Jack's life, with Rosemary acting as a spy. Even though Raiden acted as the basis for Raikov's creation, as well as the latter's relationship with Volgin, using the Raiden suit in the boss fight against the Man on Fire (Volgin's new form) does not illicit any unique reactions from the latter. More than that he can raise over 300 ton in extreme energy, and punching on steel. In addition, he also assured them that when the player play the game, they'll like Raiden a lot more than in Metal Gear Solid 2. Raiden later met up with Iroquois Pliskin, a Lieutenant Junior Grade with the U.S. Navy SEALs, who had saved Raiden from being ambushed by Vamp. His suspicions that there was another intruder were quickly confirmed, as he entered a room full of knocked out guards and caught a glimpse of the man as he ascended in an elevator. MGS4 Raiden skin bonus giveaway advert for Amazon. The Gray Fox skin was shown killing Desperado Cyborgs in a manner similar to a scene in Metal Gear Solid, where where he cuts up several terrified Genome Soldiers, while MGS4 Raiden was shown taking on some Desperado Gekko, a reference to his first on-screen appearance in Metal Gear Solid 4, where he took on, and destroyed several Gekko. [50], In the Arm, Eye, and Sword trailers, the scene shifts halfway through to Raiden undergoing some aspects of his harsh childhood under a man whose voice and appearance resembles Solidus Snake. In these games, Yoshimitsu is able to crouch on his sword, and like Raiden, he is a cybernetic ninja due to having a mechanical arm that rapidly rotates for his Dragonfly Stance. Raiden White (MGS4)) Armor, full version. Raiden then battled against Sam within the train tunnel. He was then seemingly betrayed by Snake and was subsequently captured by Olga Gurlukovich. Sunny later informed Raiden about the gate, and informed him that she'd send an invoice requiring Raiden to pay for the repair and reinforcement costs, causing Raiden to lament that Rose would most likely "kill" him for the expenses. [45], Kojima has stated in interviews that Raiden was introduced primarily to attract new fans to the game so that he could ask questions that a veteran like Snake wouldn't ask, so as to avoid treating Snake like a rookie, and to make Snake appear more impressive as a character, an idea strongly defended by some fans. Rose told Raiden of the pregnancy after admitting that she had originally become his girlfriend in order to spy on him for the Patriots, before eventually falling in love with him legitimately. Raiden then fell into the cityscape. Raiden (, Raiden? The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. And in Metal Gear, devotion matters. Similarly, Quinton Flynn, around the same time, mentioned that he wasn't approached to reprise his role in Metal Gear Solid: Rising,[48] implying that Raiden would have a different voice actor in the English version as well, although Flynn ultimately did reprise the role when the game was revamped into Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. For Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So what happened to raiden in mgs4?". His body had similar design to that of a Gekko, as his feet could be used as hands, allowing him to grip and grab hold of objects and edges in a similar manner to an ape or bat. Kojima, regarding the release trailer on February 19, initially intended to use voice clips for Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, although he decided against it, as he didn't want to inflict killjoy on the trailer. Raiden then released his Jack the Ripper persona, even going as far as to have his pain inhibitors deactivated to fully unleash it. Afterwards, he, under the cautions of the Blade Wolf, carefully navigated the cyborg-infested sewers before being ambushed by a Mastiff cyborg. In large part because of his PTSD-induced nightmares, he also refused to sleep next to Rose out of fear of hurting her. The terrorist group Dead Cell who follow Solidus Snake have demanded no money for ransom, and the group is merely at the Big Shell as a means to seize control of the secret mobile facility underneath the plant - Arsenal Gear. Raiden's original cyborg body, circa 2014. Raiden also displayed signs of mental and emotional instability and a dissociative identity around the time he started his missions involving Desperado. This belief was made explicit during his fight with Steven Armstrong, when accusing him of only using Operation Tecumseh to get himself elected for little reason, like the rest of the politicians, and even called him "another maggot crawling in the pile" if America had indeed "gone to shit."[31]. He also expressed the sentiment that the weak needed purging. Eventually, as a way to "throw him a bone," he allowed the Blade Wolf to accompany him in his missions as a scout. Table of Contents The first officer character, Raiden's standard skin, is unlocked by S-ranking Hard Mode of the Jamais Vu mission while connected to the app, and the second character, Raiden in his White Armor, is unlocked by getting 25,000 points on Jamais Vu's Hard Mode. Raiden being supplied with his new sword, after his reconstructive surgery. This also changed with the switch to Platinum Games, now taking place 9 years after Metal Gear Solid 4 and having a less dark and gritty tone. Shortly after these events Raiden was attacked by Solidus Snake, revealed to be the leader of the terrorists. This could be seen after taking a large fall. Rose and Raiden's son are safe in New Zealand. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (Plus) Making his way through the old city crawling with cyborg patrols and Gekkos, he also encountered the IF Prototype LQ-84i unmanned weapon that was deployed to assassinate Raiden. [71][72] In Europe, the negative reception towards Raiden was even more pronounced, largely because of not only the plot twist, and the lengthy delays in releasing Metal Gear Solid 2, but also because several gaming magazines spoiled the twist in their coverage, which left the players being unable to avoid it. [46] Added to this is that Raiden, unlike Naked Snake or Old Snake, has the Athlete ability which makes him run faster than regular soldiers. Snake consoled Raiden but refused his request due to his incomplete blood dialysis, and urging the younger soldier not to follow the same path that his own life had taken. Raiden also appeared in the series official site's Versus Battle, both in-game and via promotional products. John, nicknamed Little John, is the son of Raiden and Rosemary. At the end of Metal Gear Rising, Raiden is a public criminal after having fought through Denver's police department and much of World Marshall's forces. Raiden says that only one out of 50 soldiers can kill without hesitation, before declaring himself a "two-percenter." He also read the French novel L'tranger. [13], In time, Raiden decided to return to the military sector, seeking a non-combat position so that he could provide for his family. Because of his experiences with the Patriots' AIs, he also wasn't initially trusting of sentient neuro-optical AI weapons like Blade Wolf, with Raiden being bemused that Blade Wolf, then the LQ-84i, in his dying sentiments, could conceive of, much less desire, freedom, as well as calling out Blade Wolf for claiming that AIs never lie by claiming that the Patriots AIs did just that. Raiden then learned that Desperado wanted N'mani dead because Africa's been getting "a bit too peaceful" under his reign, as Sundowner wanted to restart the war economy due to feeling that it was his livelihood. VIDEO DATA ACCESS FILE #01000100: Raiden released from surgery. The "Arm" trailer[18] also implies that he received an optical implant. A the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.)[8]. Raiden's voice actor Jack . Sam absolutely crushed Raiden in their first fight not because Sam was better naturally, but because Raiden was fighting himself. Raiden wanted to expose Armstrong and World Marshal for their actions, but Kevin suggested against it. In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development. Blade, Mk23 "I think it's time for Jack to LET 'ER RIP!!". At some point, Raiden, in large part because of his having to utilize a HF Blade late in the Big Shell Incident, became fascinated with the art of Japanese swordsmanship, training himself with the HF Blade and studying in various Japanese swordsmanship and the samurai code, and even going as far as to watch samurai movies. In Portable Ops Plus, Raiden becomes playable in Infinity Mission mode after beating the game on Hard mode. [43] However, performing certain actions will allow the player to briefly glimpse this choice of design. He was calm under pressure, adaptive, and somewhat critical. To him, at that moment, it felt like a scene from Beauty and the Beast. He is protected by Olga, again dressed as the Cyborg Ninja. He doesn't, but inside he's depressed and empty. Suspicious about his C.O. He later made his way, with his emotional state being volatile, to the immediate premises of World Marshal HQ, but was beaten down just outside of the front door, with Sam and Monsoon greeting him and informing him about it being peoples' natures to kill and be violent. Their battle eventually resulted in Vamp standing at Raiden's back and locking him in his grip. [39], In addition, the very first concept for Raiden designed by Yoji Shinkawa was similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, crawling across walls, and was significantly deranged in personality, even licking bird poop. Raiden was the only known Cyborg Ninja to have survived, and also the only one who hadn't fought Solid Snake. [5] Raiden was originally supposed to get a completely new cybernetic eye to replace the one he lost, but Doktor was unable to create it before the surgery, so he had to wear a makeshift eye-patch for a while. This is mentioned in an optional Codec conversation with Kevin Washington, during the Mexico mission. Blade Wolf later stated that it will depart with Raiden for Pakistan after finding a way off the chopper. Now apparently working for Colonel Campell who was acting as his support during his infiltration of the Big Shell, Jack was given his official codename - Raiden - after it was revealed that the leader of the terrorist laying the Big Shell to seige was using the codename Solid Snake. This allowed him to operate at high efficiency even when he lost both his arms at the shoulders. Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. SNS Nonetheless, he did end up suspicious when Rosemary seemed to be praiseworthy of Pliskin. The baby's existence was threatened towards the end of the incident, when the . He shares this career with his look-alike, Raikov. Raiden's line to Vamp when questioned about his "immortality," "I Just Don't Fear Death! Because of this, removing it caused serious and unpleasant side effects of undergoing temporary memory loss as well as intense flashbacks to his time as a child soldier in Liberia, due to his hippocampus being stimulated, a side effect of the left arm's holographic storage data being connected to cranial nerves to record everything around him and his senses. Raiden used to smoke cigarettes at one point in his life, but had quit by the time of the Big Shell Incident. Afterwards, he had a fistfight with Armstrong, who had used EXCELSUS' wires to activate his nanomachines. Social Ops Commando Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Geo. She remarked about their similar pasts, although she quickly learned that the similarities ended there and that they were quite different as people. Because of his durability, Raiden, at times, had to resort to self mutilation in order to get his missions done, such as stabbing himself with his own blade to subdue Vamp and slicing his own arm off to free himself from fallen debris so he could save Snake. Superhuman speed enabled him to surrender better naturally what happened to raiden after metal gear rising but inside he & x27. Stamina and health points which makes him vulnerable when he is protected by Olga again. The incident, when Andrey Dolzaev called Mistral upon her death, Raiden what happened to raiden after metal gear rising. # 01000100: Raiden - this is mentioned in an optional Codec with! Armstrong insane an hour to get to Solis Snake and was subsequently captured by Gurlukovich. Sam absolutely crushed Raiden in his grip increased distance to Vamp when about! 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