Drivers must not pass vehicles at crosswalks, even if no pedestrians are on or at the crosswalk. Drivers may not increase their speed while being passed. Who has to wait? 2. These signals can indicate that you are stopping, turning left, or turning right. a. 1. True. streetcar does not have the right-of-way. True. False. a. Criminal gangs will, however, use them to further their goals. 2. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the rear of the vehicle is skidding and pump the brakes lightly. False. Turn in front of vehicle 3. German police officers have their own unique set of hand signals that differ from their American counterparts. Which vehicle is allowed to proceed without stopping? A. Your POV will be rejected during mechanical inspection, because of bent hoods, torn fenders, altered plates, or faulty body trimmings. All signals are given out the driver's side window, using the left arm. c. Both of the above. b. b. Flagging down another driver. c. When there is more than one track. b. Vehicles 2 and 3. This command is to inform the other person (s) to cover a specific area. b. b. The driver of vehicle 3 must wait until vehicle 1 turns left, before proceeding through the intersection ahead of vehicle2. is clear. Drivers must be especially careful when passing during twilight hours; they must be alert to vehicles without lights coming from the other direction. 1. b. Slowly wave the arm up and down, then drop your own speed. b. 's treatment. and to the extreme left from the left-hand lane c. Both of the above. Forces certificate of license will remain ineligible until they, German police are empowered to arrest U.S. personnel (including Family members and U.S. civilians serving with the U.S. (b)Why do you think Sir Launcelot. Tires should be inflated at the upper level of the recommended range for best fuel efficiency. a. Average distance being used by other drivers. Which vehicle must wait? traffic police hand signals: to stop vehicles approaching simultaneously from front and behind: to allow vehicles coming from right and turning right by stopping traffic approaching from the left: to beckon the vehicles approaching from right: to beckon the vehicles approaching from left b. c. When driving through fog. b. c. Both of the above. What besides alcohol may impair a person's ability to drive safely? (para 30h(1)) ; When to Use Hand Signals. There are three hand signals while driving that you can use. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle 1. a. True. at a sufficient distance. (para 30a(5)) a. Drivers must not pass other vehicles at zebra crossings. tracks to the right and left. What is the leading cause of traffic accidents? Throughout Germany, law enforcement officials will wave their arms and hands to direct pedestrians and motorists. If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, U.S. Which vehicle is allowed to proceed without stopping? (paras 18d, 18e, and 18f) b. B. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, the vehicle may be towed to the which of the following? In this situation, drivers may do what? a. Bridges. In what order must the vehicles proceed? Teach your dog "look" by holding a treat between your first two fingers and moving it to your forehead. Tip #2: Establish Different Value Levels For Commands Drivers may not increase their speed while being passed. When Tail Lights or Brake Lights aren't Working. a. c. When there is adequate street lighting. John McCririck is well known for using these when speaking to camera. Wait and permit the pedestrians to cross. The simple hand gesture was launched early in the COVID-19 pandemic last year to address a worldwide rise in domestic violence and help those suffering while stuck at home.. Driver's License test for Germany (U.S offici, Sociology 100 Final Exam (Binghamton Universi, Drivers test for U.S. False. The local customs field office can provide information on international, driving requirements. Forces members) must be attached to the back of. Approach with caution and look both directions (paras 16c(1)(a) and 26b(4)) (para 17), Persons declared ineligible for a U.S. a. Move to the next block or to some point where a Forces drivers are not required to notify the military police or security forces. brakes lightly. c. Both of the above. a. False. b. A. What do drivers have to do when a vehicle with flashing lights and a multitone horn approaches? The Registry of Motor Vehicles will notify the U.S. State drivers agency of personnel whose driving privileges have been revoked for 1 year or more following final adjudication of an intoxicated-driving offense or for refusing to submit to a lawful blood-alcohol content test. b. priority road. Extending one arm straight in front of you is the universal "wait" gesture. b. a. a. c. Vehicle 3. Question 56. C. Using one of the telephone boxes located at regular intervals along autobahn. b. (para 20a(3) and signs 206 and 301) When there is a flashing red light. c. None. b. At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks down on any road other than an autobahn? b. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. That means that one should stay as far to the right as possible and use the left lane only to pass another driver. (para 21c) d. On the drive wheels of the POV. a. b. Vehicle 2. Knowing the following boldfaced words will help you explore Lawrence's story of luck-and the lack thereof. Slow down and stop if necessary to allow the . Good/OK: The classic "thumbs up" sign. If visibility is reduced by fog or snowfall. c. 3-1-2. The signals used by German police officers are different from those used by police officers in the United States . When are drivers required to wait at a railroad crossing? b. lights to move ahead. a. a. The next gas station on the autobahn. what does this sign indicate A driver in the passing lane of the autobahn must slow down if he or she sees a vehicle approaching from behind with flashing headlights. In what order may the vehicles proceed? 2-1-3. a. maneuver. brakes lightly. Condition of the highway and driving speed, T or F: when approaching children, drivers must try to anticipate their behavior, T or F: The proper technique for driving around a curve is to slow down before the curve and accelerate toward the end of the curve. By that saying, the statement from the problem is false. (para 14), German police do not have the authority to require U.S. for the first time. True. Before vehicle 1. a. a. (para 19c(2)) When the flashing red light goes out. (para 21i) He lost interest in activities because he was always exhausted. In a housing area controlled by the U.S. c. On all four wheels. a. a. (para 20a(3)(d)) a. a. What must the driver do when approaching an intersection and seeing the traffic light turn from green to yellow? b. Using hand signals plays an essential role in a construction company because it can help your team stay safe. True. d. Both a and c above. Approach cautiously and yield the right-of-way if b. Fatigue. seat. c. Vehicles 1 and 3. a. b. On reaching a suitable place, the driver of the slow vehicle should pull to the right to allow the other vehicles to pass. False. a. Legal traffic in Germany refers to, motorized vehicles, horse drawn wagons and bicycles. German law says you may pass German buses that are moving with their warning lights on when they are about to stop at a bus stop. C. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle three. 2-1-3. What is the minimum distance to park cars from marked or unmarked junctions or pedestrian b. What does this sign indicate? Move left or turn to the left - indicated by extending your arm out the window with a spin . c. Vehicle 3. At dusk and dawn. 275) Hand Signals from the Driver. True. (a) Identify and analyze three passages in which style, sentence length, or word choice create a distinctive tone. c. Stop and proceed only after the streetcar doors How many times greater is the force of collision if the driving speed is doubled? Vehicles 1 and 2. a. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, help can be obtained by which of the following? b. a. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arm of the officer may proceed. True. drivers drive more slowly. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Drunk driving is a felony in germany and may result in imprisionment for up to 5 years, When a stretcar has stopped at a pedestrain island, driviers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right, Drivers may not pass cars at pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight and more. What do drivers need to consider while driving at high speeds? What do drivers have to do when a vehicle with flashing lights and a multi-tone siren approaches? circle with a 60 sign, What does this sign indicate? (para 20a(2)) (b) Based on these passages, what would you say is the tone of the essay? 80) Cell phones may be used in traffic or while the motor is running, if the telephone or hearing device must be physically picked up. False. b. What is the minimum speed a vehicle must be able to maintain on the autobahn ? (paras 19a and After vehicles 1 and 2. 50 kph (31 mph). Left turn - indicated by an arm straight out through the window. When a driver sees a pedestrian wearing a yellow armband marked with three black dots attempting to cross the street, the driver must do which of the following? If visibility is reduced by fog or snowfall. bus begins to move again. A. (para 23e(5)) b. (paras 10 and 19m) Drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up. circle with multiple slashes. rotary with 1 and 2 turning right. German Police Signals (Attention), This police officer standing with arms outstretched and pointing in the drivers direction, is signaling the driver to proceed. True. -2. a. A vehicle is considered to be parked when the driver leaves the vehicle or the vehicle has been stopped for longer than which of the following? b. Follow the direction of the arrow. When is the use of only fog lights permitted in daylight? To do so, the driver must pull up to the middle of the intersection in front of vehicle 2 and then allow vehicle 3 to pass in front of her. Actually, it's just a sign of having a good time as innocent as could be. If you want to settle your dog by getting them to lie down, hold your finger in front of your chest at a horizontal angle. False. Which vehicle is the last to go? Wave the hand back and forth to and away from your face. What may cause danger to others in road traffic? Which vehicles may proceed? 5 meters. b. The front, rear windshield and side windows must be free of obstructions at all times. License plates issued to drivers by the Registry of Motor . When vehicles are halted at railroad crossings at night waiting for a train to pass, drivers must turn Stop, regardless of whether or not approaching or following the bus, and do not continue until the bus begins to move again, T or F: when a streetcar has stopped at a pedestrian island, drivers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right, T or F: passing a vehicle at a railroad crossing is illegal. Which two vehicles have to wait at these junctions. a. Hand signals are also used by deaf people with hearing-aid dogs. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the b. If the vehicle starts skidding while breaking, the driver should do which of the following? If the rider in front of you opens and closes their left fist, they're telling you that you've left your indicator on. False. True. Turning left: signal with a straight arm out to the side, straight out. If the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if necessary, that drivers submit to a urine . B. What must a driver do when passing a streetcar that has stopped to take on and let off passengers on the roadway? (para 20a(3)(d)) (para 30e) Furthermore, the hand signals of traffic police officers or those of aircraft marshals at airports could be also mentioned as present-day examples of nontrivial LoS communication (Guo et al. Follow the direction of the arrow. Biker wave used by motorcyclists. c. On country roads. b. If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, U.S. True. When are you allowed to use headlights to signal the intention to pass? False. You are required by German law to have a first-aid kit and warning triangle in the ________ of the vehicle. Fast driving often leads to accidents in which of the following situations? a. Children under 12 are not allowed to sit in the front seat of a vehicle if the rear seats are already occupied by children of that age group. a. Condition of the highway and driving speed. 3-2-1. Vehicle 2. T or F: when either nighttime or daytime visibility is substantially reduced by fog, rain, or snowfall, use of low beam headlights is required. Forces) when German laws are violated. b. b. Vehicle 2. What does the driver of vehicle 3 have to do? When a driver is traveling in the direction of the white arrow, what must the driver do when faced with oncoming traffic? If there are no pedestrians waiting to cross. What does this sign indicate? When driving at night, drivers must drive at speeds that will allow them to stop safely. Which signals must drivers obey ? When stopping on the carriageway, a signal is enough where it is obvious that there is no . Lie Down. a. Which vehicle has the right-of-way? True. You MUST obey any signals given (see Rules 107 and 108 ). Slow. That is why the police's motto in Germany is "The police, your friend and helper". . All motorists are expected to know the hand signals given by a traffic cop, which you may remember studying from your Basic . Wait until the light changes. a. German law requires passing drivers to leave a minimum of _____ between their vehicle and bicyclists or motorcyclists. Hook 'Em Horns. On reaching a suitable place (such as a wide place in the roadway), the driver of the slow vehicle should pull to the right to allow the other vehicles to pass. (para 20b(10)). Don't worry even though this hand signal has the word "horns" in it, the gesture is not meant to be demonic. Your license will be suspended for 90 days. a. Traffic should remain in the right lane of the two lanes going the same direction except when passing, both on and off the autobahn. before the light turns red. (para 20b(6)(b)) Forces Certificate of License. (para 23a) b. What it Means: Shaking hands is usually done between newly acquainted people and declines as the relationship grows; old friends will shake hands less and less 6. What does this sign indicate? a. Cell phones may be used in traffic or while the motor is running, if the telephone or hearing device must be physically picked up. A. b. When driving, there may be times that your turning lights or brake lights malfunction. c. Immediately apply pressure to brakes. a. If stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, which of the following actions can take place? A police officer controls traffic at an intersection and the traffic lights are in operation. Outside city limits, the minimum distance for parking cars from a warning cross indicating a railroad crossing is 50 meters (165 feet). Drive to the extreme right and stop. Under the Good Samaritan Law in Germany, drivers are required to render first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident if reasonably possible. At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks within city limits? c. In the garage or storage area until needed. However, that isn't so simple in German and, sometimes, sarcasm can be lost in the language. (para 18a(6)) T or F: A driver who lends his or her vehicle to a member of the US forces is required to provide the buyer with the registration certificate, T or F: US forces regulations do not prohibit abandoning a privately owned vehicle, T or F: attaching old state license plates or signs to US forces POV plates is permitted, T or F: The traffic point system applies to military personnel and civilian employees but does not apply to family members, T or F: persons declared ineligible for US forces certificate of license will remain ineligible until they successfully petition the revoking authority for reinstatement of their eligibility, T or F: German police are empowered to arrest US personnel (including family members and US civilians serving with the US forces) when German laws are violated, T or F: German police do not have the authority to require US forces drivers to pay a warning fee for minor traffic violations, T or F: German traffic law does not require every user of a public road or highway to conduct himself or herself so that no other user is endangered, injured, unnecessarily impeded, or inconvenienced, T or F: A POV may not be rejected during mechanical inspection because of bent hoods, torn fenders, altered plates, or faulty body trimmings, T or F: vehicles are considered unsafe if the tires have less than 1.6 mm of tread on any portion of the traction surface. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. (paras 19b and 20a(3)) Vehicle 1. provided a tow bar is used. Pulling the Lower Eyelid Down. Which vehicle has to wait? . Watch traffic to the rear, give a directional signal, Yield the right-of-way. b. T or F: when traveling on multilateral roads with dense traffic, it is illegal for vehicles in the right lane to go faster than those in the left, T or F: a slow vehicle is being followed by several other vehicles that cannot pass because of the traffic. 1. Hand signals are easy to teach, particularly if you use lure-and-reward training. In the passenger compartment under the front seat, T or F: If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, US forces drivers are not required to notify the military police or security forces, T or F: under the good Samaritan law in Germany, drivers are required to render first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident if reasonably possible, T or F: a person who is involved in a traffic accident and flees the scene may be prosecuted, When are drivers required to switch on headlights. following the bus, and do not continue until the Approach at a moderate speed and observe the tracks to the left and right. False. False. bus begins to move again. Use the finger gun hand sign as a way to say "yup" with your hands. on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right. b. b. (para 19g, sign 205 with 1002-21, and sign 306 with 1002-12) True. False. A driver wants to leave a private driveway and turn right onto a public road. b. 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